Art / language exchange project: Quien Soy?

Title: Who am I / Quien soy?
Project participants: Fundacíon Juconi (Puebla) / Sevenfields Primary School (Swindon).
Overview: International exchange project – art and Spanish/English – inspired by my work in Mexico.
Role: art workshop leader, exchange facilitator, project manager
Brief, aims and outcome:  Meets global citizenship and inter-cultural understanding KS1 learning objectives. Supported by the UK school's Spanish teacher and staff at Centro Juconi, children desrcibe themselves on bi-lingual worksheet, forms swapped between UK / Mexico, recipients make a puppet following the descriptions of their overseas exchange partner’. Artwork, photos and videos exchanged. Puppets engineered so limbs move when head pulled.

key stage 1, spanish  arts education, spanish, primary language learning, art