Swindon Town Centre information*

Client: inSwindon BID Co. Ltd
Overview: inSwindon is a non-profit Business Improvement District (BID) in the town centre. BIDs receive a rates-based levy from businesses within its operational area that are invested to enhance and promote the district, encouraging footfall and investment.
Role: cartographer.
Brief, aims and outcomes: I created a base map to show the BID area, navigational landmarks and pedestrian zone. The map has been adapted for a variety of purposes: publicity and information for light and culture trails, event space hire etc. The maps shown were produced for car parking information (downloadable pdf), and outdoor promotion of regular markets re-established by inSwindon.
Additional tasks: Re-branding inSwindon with redesign and new design of information and promotional materials: market logo and outdoor advertisement shown here.

Swindon town centre BID area map car park information map:

inSwindon, BID, swindon town centre, business, community, destination marketing

 inSwindon outdoor information:

outdoor signage, swindon, cartography, map design, swindon, bristol