Zurich plc: press advertising concepts*
Client: Zurich plc
Brief, aims and outcomes: concepts for press advertisements promoting Business Protection products and support materials (market leading product winner for three successive years); aimed at Financial Advisers; triplet and winning concepts: image search, copy and presentation, within brand guidlelines, to account managers.
Zurich: Total Cost of Risk concepts
Client: RRD Donnelly at Zurich plc.
Project: Zurich Municipal Total Cost of Risk product marketing to local authorities: Chief Executive Officers, Finance Directors and executive teams.
Brief, aims and outcomes: present design and copy concepts for in-house in house team. Concept: weathering the storm, uncertainty of future risks. Aim “to help local authority customers understand that cutting insurance and risk management spend can have a much bigger, lasting effect on their organisations and communities.”
A5 advert in financial event brochure:
TCoR product concept for business brochure.
Image research presented: