Title: Day of the Dead
Overview: Inspired by working in Mexico where the Day of the Dead tradition celebrates the lives of people who have passed on by welcoming their spirits into their homes. The project introduces a way of discussing death, grief and bereavement to KS1 pupils. Some children had lost close family members and friends.
Role: art workshop leader
Brief, aims and outcome: Meets KS1 SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) objectives. Contrasts European culture's 'scary' Hallowe'en with the celebratory Day of the Dead. Chiildren watch a snippet of 'The Lion King' when Simba's father dies and discussed feelings. Children choose someone they knew, or a famous deceased person, make papier-maché masks and decorate with pictures that reminded them of that person’s life. Children with personal experience given time to talk and remember as they worked.
Slide from tproject introduction:
Ella's grandfather had recently died. We talked about him. Her design included the things he liked: the pub, a pint of beer, his glasses and his love of birdwatching:
One boy chose Bobby Moore (his Dad was a fan) incorporating the World Cup trophy, West Ham strip and the England flag: