Community history book*

Title: Legacy of a Rag and Bone Man: a century of community life in Eastcott, Swindon
Client: Eastcott Community Organisation (ECO)
Overview: Heritage Lottery Funded community history book. History of the area in context of national history, with community stories, covering ECO's site’s original donation and covenents; early C20th; WWII uses; post-war changes to the present day.
Role: Creative producer: author, book designer, co-researcher, interviewer
Additional tasks: at-a-glance timeline and promotional leaflet design; interpretation boards design for Swindon Museum & Art Gallery exhibition based on the book’s content.
Research through community participation (primary sources); Swindon Libraries’ Local Studies support and archive materials.
Aim and outcome: write and design a local history book accessible to all ages regardless of local or national historical knowledge. Published 40-page 210 x 210mm full-colour book for sale to raise funds for the charity, launched at Swindon Central Library.

Youth magazine | Proposals and reports |  Newsletters

Front cover and two double-page spreads:

history heritage book front cover

sample spread from Legacy of a Rag and Bone Man 1

maps showing historical development of the eastcott, Swindon area

At-a-glance timeline designed for leaflet promoting museum exhibition:

timeline of eastcott swindon

Gurning for press photographers at the book launch with Caroline Davis-Kahn, chair of Eastcott Community Organisation (photo © Swindon Advertiser 2018)

book launch photo Eastcott Community Organisation